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Limitless Possibilities

Sabrina Sexton 88Director of Culinary Education, Institute of Culinary Education (ICE)

After realizing as a premed student that the doctor’s life was not for her, Sabrina Sexton '88 set out to find herself an active, hands-on kind of profession. In fact, she cites Brearley as teaching her that she could choose whichever career she wanted, but even so, a career in food was an unusual choice. “I recently had a Brearley senior come through ICE doing an independent study,” says Sabrina, “but in my day, a career in food just wasn’t on the radar.” Brearley did prepare her for the idea that whatever she chose to do, it would have to be something demanding, and that she would have to be excellent. “I remember the most startling part about college wasn’t the boys, it was this idea that you could ask for an extension instead of just getting your work done.  I thought, really? You can DO that?” 

It’s that heady sense of being among strivers early on in her education that has carried Sabrina upward in her career. “Ever since I was there, every place I’ve gone, I’ve tried to surround myself with people who are at least as motivated as I am. If I had to point to my one ‘Brearley thing,’ it would definitely be that.”

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