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A love of ideas and reading is at the very heart of a Brearley education. Both our Middle School and Upper School libraries promote this tradition by encouraging each girl’s discovery of the world of books, by providing tools and training for research and by serving as a vital hub for ongoing intellectual exploration.

In addition to a wealth of physical books, students have access to dozens of online and print subscriptions, musical recordings, audiobooks and an extensive film collection of over 2,500 titles.

Lower School Library

The Lower School Library is a friendly, comfortable place for storytelling time, classes with librarians and browsing for books to take home. In fact, there’s a weekly K-IV library period and even parents can check out books.

Go Further:

Middle and Upper School Library

The newly designed Middle and Upper School Library offers nearly floor-to-ceiling windows that allow natural light to pour in, window seats that overlook the East River and  study tables with lamps that evoke a classic library reading room. It provides a dedicated space for students to pursue individual research and receive guidance in library skills.

Summer Reading

At Brearley, we use reading as a community-building tool with an annual summer read to inspire conversation and share ideas with one another.

Class K-II

Class III-IV

Class V-VI

Class VII

Class VIII

Our Librarians

Erin Olsen

Erin Olsen

Head Librarian

Amy Chow

Amy Chow


Joy Piedmont

Joy Piedmont

Librarian and Upper School DEIA Coordinator

Zoey Ha

Zoey Ha

Archivist and Library Circulation Assistant

Julia Auerfeld

Julia Auerfeld

Part-time Librarian

Contact Us

Brearley Libraries


Go Further

After-School Programs



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