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Class XI Modern Language Descriptions

FRENCH IV COMPREHENSIVE: greater independence in the use of the language by expanding vocabulary, studying complex grammatical structures and analyzing cultural and literary materials, including a full-length novel; discussion and debate.

FRENCH IV: consideration of classic and contemporary French literature and culture with an emphasis on speaking and writing. Students review grammar and read and analyze texts from a variety of sources as well as a full-length novel.

MANDARIN IV: extensive reading of essays, stories, and newspaper and magazine articles; discussion of current events; analytical and creative writing; exploration of contemporary culture through television and other media.

COMPREHENSIVE SPANISH III: for students who began in Class IX, continued study of grammar and, in particular, of advanced structures; films and readings of diverse literary works from Spanish-speaking countries.

SPANISH IV: for students who began in Class V, continued formal study of selected short stories, poetry and nonfiction about the history of Spanish-speaking countries; reinforcement of grammar usage and literary analysis through writing assignments and oral communication activities. Students read and analyze the play La casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca.

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